33 kV Series Distribution Transformers

250 kVA 33/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer
  • 250 kVA 33/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer
  • 250 kVA 33/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer
  • 250 kVA 33/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer

250 kVA 33/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer


We generally manufacture distribution transformers in this power range, mainly in two different types:

  1. Transformer with conservator tank (WCT),
  2. Hermetically sealed type (HST),

 Below table will help to engineers to select the best option according to environmental conditions which transformer works in:

 High Environmental TemperatureHigh AltitudeRural NetworkHigh HumidityOver Load ConditionsUnstable Loading

 Meanwhile here is the advantage-disadvantage of the WCT-HST types:

  • In HST type, tank pressure is more than WCT type. WCT type generally works under low pressure due to its open to atmosphere,
  • In HST type, cooling/insulation oil does not contact to the air (theoretically). Therefore oil maintenance period is longer than WCT type,
  • HST type transformers and their related parts generally work under higher temperature (If we evaluate WCT-HST work under same conditions).


60 Hz
50 Hz



Connection Group


Primary Voltage

33 kV


IEC 60076

Secondary Voltage

400 V
415 V
420 V
480 V

HV/LV Winding Material




Core Type


HV Bushing

30 kV 250 Amp. 600 mm Crepage

Number of Phases

3 (Three)

LV Bushing

630 Amp. 95 mm. Creepage

Number of Taps


Tap Changer Range

±2 x 2.5%

Rated Power

250 kVA
Dimension (L x W x H) 1500 x 200 x 100 Millimetre
Weight 1500 Kilogram

Datsan Hakkında

Datsan Trafo 1992 yılında genelde enerji, özelde elektrik alanında faaliyet göstermek üzere kurulmuştur. 2006 yılına kadar binlerde projeyi başarı ile tamamlamış ve 2006 yılında dağıtım trafosu üretimine başlamıştır. 

Datsan bugüne kadar 10 binin üzerinde trafo üretmiş ve ürettiği ürünleri 15'i aşkın ülkeye ihraç etmiştir. 

Bize Ulaşın

Datsan Elk.İnş.San.ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.
Adr: Kızıltepe Mardin Karayolu 6.km
Kızıltepe, 47400 Mardin Türkiye

T : +90 (482) 215 3188
F : +90 (482) 215 1199


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