6.3 kV Series Distribution Transformers

50 kVA 6.3/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer
  • 50 kVA 6.3/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer
  • 50 kVA 6.3/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer
  • 50 kVA 6.3/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer

50 kVA 6.3/0.4 kV Copper Winding EcoDesign Transformer


We generally manufacture distribution transformers in this power range, mainly in two different types:

  1. Transformer with conservator tank (WCT),
  2. Hermetically sealed type (HST),

 Below table will help to engineers to select the best option according to environmental conditions which transformer works in:

 High Environmental TemperatureHigh AltitudeRural NetworkHigh HumidityOver Load ConditionsUnstable Loading

 Meanwhile here is the advantage-disadvantage of the WCT-HST types:

  • In HST type, tank pressure is more than WCT type. WCT type generally works under low pressure due to its open to atmosphere,
  • In HST type, cooling/insulation oil does not contact to the air (theoretically). Therefore oil maintenance period is longer than WCT type,
  • HST type transformers and their related parts generally work under higher temperature (If we evaluate WCT-HST work under same conditions).

Secondary Voltage

480 V
400 V
415 V
420 V

HV Bushing

10 kV 250 Amp. 250 mm Crepage

Number of Phases

3 (Three)

LV Bushing

250 Amp. 80 mm. Creepage

Number of Taps


Tap Changer Range

±2 x 2.5%


50 Hz
60 Hz

Rated Power

50 kVA



Connection Group


Primary Voltage

6.3 kV


IEC 60076

HV/LV Winding Material




Core Type

Dimension (L x W x H) 1500 x 200 x 100 Millimetre
Weight 1500 Kilogram

À propos de Datsan

Datsan Transformer a été créé en 1992. Plus de 10 000 transformateurs travaillent dans le réseau depuis douzaine d'années.

Nous fournissons un soutien technique et commercial 7/24 à nos clients. Rejoignez-nous et profitez de la qualité.


Datsan Elk.İnş.San.ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.
Adr: Kızıltepe Mardin Karayolu 6.km
Kızıltepe, 47400 Mardin TURKEY

T : +90 (482) 215 3188
F : +90 (482) 215 1199


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